New to the workforce? Here are some tips for newbies


This post is dedicated to all of the interns and entry-level people entering the workforce.  (A few exist, we have some).

Anyway there are a few little tips I have for you to make your transition a lot easier.  And help you move up the chain higher.

  1. Projects are tests.  But not the test you think.  Really everyone is testing how you think, and how you approach a project.  When it comes time to present your results or outcome, don’t forget your supporting information.  Your notes, your comparison charts.  And try to make it look pretty.  This will make you look detail oriented and well-organized.  Great for a new employee.
  2. Your co-workers can be red lights or green lights, so learn how to appeal to them so the put your projects first.  A few tips.  Be sensitive to the fact they have their own projects.  Offer to help to take some tasks of their plate to help move your project up higher on the to do list.  Be sure to describe how the project benefits your co-worker (and their growth) instead of hoe much YOU need them to do it.  Unless you are their superior, they don’t care!
  3. Be nice to everyone in the office.  Your first few months are meant for observation.  You need to figure out who the influencers are.  ANd there may be no relationship to job title and level of influence.
  4. Get involved with as many types of projects as you can.  It will help you not get pigeon-holed and also help you make cross department allies.

These are my only thoughts right now, but I’ll repeat if I come up with more tips.

— Jame Ervin